Tips for Participation & Frequently Asked Questions

We are not currently recruiting participants for this study. If you are currently enrolled in the COB-MS program, the following information might be helpful:

I have been assigned to the control group. When will I receive the COB-MS intervention?

Participants in the control group will receive access to the program following the fourth an final data collection time point. This will be approximately 8 months after the initial assessment.

Will I receive individualised results?

Due to the anonymity and confidentiality measures we take in this program to ensure the security of out participants’ data, we will not be able to provide individualised data. However, we will be able to share the cumulative results of our study with all participants. 

When will I find out the results of the study?

Results of the study will be circulated to all participants. However, this may take up to 6 months following completion of data collection. 

What is ‘blinding’ and why can’t I share what group I’m in with the researcher?

Blinding is a feature of research programs, like COB-MS, where efforts are made to reduce the potential for bias in the manner in which data are collected and evaluated. In some research programs, both the participants and specific researchers are ‘blinded’ (i.e. are not made aware) as to what group participants are randomly allocated (watch this video to learn more about random allocation). In the COB-MS research program, it is not possible to blind participants as they will know which group they belong to, given that they will either be invited to attend the program immediately or not. However, the researchers who will be assessing participants will indeed be blinded. So, if you are a participant and you are speaking with a researcher, please do not make reference or provide information which may ‘unblind’ the researcher!